

Projects / Block World

Block World

Floating ghast
Floating ghast
Snowy terrain
Snowy terrain
Terrain generation
Terrain generation
Terrain generation
Terrain generation
Tall tower

I undertook this project because I just wanted to build something fun. (or perhaps something that would interest my friends and make me look cool 😎) So, I started following incredible tutorials by the RedHenDev. However, I was just coding along with him, and not understanding the tiny specific details of every line of code. I did get the gist of the ideas that he implemented, however, I was slightly disheartened as I wasn't able to completely understand everything. Nevertheless, it was quite fun and satisfying to see the program work. Some particular features of this Minecraft ripoff included:

Some images of the final product are shown below:

Floating ghast
Floating ghast
Build tool

The following images show the unfinished product but with more features - the textures change as the altitude changes:

Terrain change
Floating enderman
Build tool

However, I recently decided to start again and work on a second version, again following the RedHenDev with his new tutorials series. With the previous version abandoned, I decided on focusing on adding features that I wasn't able to in the previous version. So far, many of them are similar, but a few unique ones include:

Inside hole

An important feature of the second version and my key takeaway was the use of multiple modules that all ultimately mingled and worked together to make the game work! It opened my mind up to this way of programming. I quickly realized the benefits of stepwise refinement and maintaining organized files.