
A simple task management web application making organization of tasks and assignments easy.

A collaboratively developed Chrome extension for students to increase productivity.

Google Search
A front-end design for Google Search, Google Image Search, and Google Advanced Search.

Math Game
A command line program that is an improvised version of Crazy Numbers but written in Java.

Virtual Piano
A virtual playable piano that can play multiple chords at once and consists of hidden easter eggs!

An interactive (distance not-to-scale) 3D model of the Earth and the Sun built using Three.js.

Virtual Assistant
A simple virtual assistant with multiple features geared toward enhancing user's experiences.

Crazy Numbers
A mental math game with various operations to entertain and improve critical thinking.

Discord Bot (N - 1)
An all-rounded discord bot with multiple features like admin commands.

Block World
A Minecraft ripoff with infinite terrain generation and simple mining/building functions.

Website for client
A personal website made for a fictitious client from scratch as part of a school assignment.

A simplistic 3D game consisting of only rectangular cuboids, hence the name BL0KS.