Virtual Assistant
This was the first major project that I did for my MYP Personal Project. It enabled me to learn much more about Python and think independently. The features that are currently integrated within this version include:
- Speech recognition using the SpeechRecognition library (Speech-to-Text)
- Text-to-Speech using the pyttsx3 library
- Jokes, puns, and facts that are randomly selected from a specified list (could use an API now that I have learned about it)
- Wishing the user based on the time and also telling the time using the datetime module
- Simple answers to basic questions (origin, creator, etc.)
- Wikipedia searches using the wikipedia library
- Opening the news (The Straits Times) and searching the Internet using the webbrowser module
Self-made simple games including:
- Magic 8-ball
- Unpredictable Numbers
- Lucky 7
- Opening applications (YouTube, Chrome, Atom, Discord) using the webbrowser module and the os module
- Shutting down and logging off the computer using the subprocess module
- Cheesy easter eggs inspired by Google Assistant!
I was able to expand my knowledge immensely through this project and also wrote my first decent program without following any tutorials - Magic 8-ball. From thereon, there was no stopping me, and I went on to program all the games of the virtual assistant without any tutorials. However, for most of the other features, I had to research and follow tutorials (like this) to first understand the basic concepts. One thing that I tried to focus on was accessibility. I tried to make my program as accessible as possible by making sure that the program both spoke and printed out text whenever there was an output. Similarly, I added manual user input through the keyboard for certain parts of the program instead of voice recognition. I was quite pleased with the outcome and will never forget this journey.