Personal website for a fictitious client
I had to make this website (click here) as part of my school assignment in ICT. I devoted a lot of time and effort to making it as appealing as possible for the end user. I took many features into careful consideration as well. However, I did not implement a responsive design (unlike this website) as I had a lack of knowledge in the field. The website icorporates 6 total pages, 2 of which haven't been completed and instead have a countdown. Some features of this website include the following:
- Light/dark mode
- Header and animated footer
- Internal and external links
- An embedded video
- A login page (currently does not support signing up)
I uploaded the website to the school server, however for some reason the login page doesn't work and some characters don't appear the way they're supposed, despite working perfectly fine when I run the website locally. Nevertheless, I got a perfect score for the assignment! I've come quite far since then and have learned a lot of aspects of web development.